Why renewable energy is the power source of the future

January 6, 2022


More and more, renewables are replacing fossil fuels across all sectors. A lot of work is still required before they can fully replace traditional sources of energy, but renewable and inexhaustible resources are definitely the energy sources of the future.

We can no longer afford to keep powering our economy the same way we have for the last few hundred years. The burning of fossil fuels for energy is expensive, harmful to the planet and the people, unsustainable, and it’s becoming increasingly unnecessary.

More and more, renewables are replacing fossil fuels across all sectors. A lot of work is still required before they can fully replace traditional sources of energy, but renewable and inexhaustible resources are definitely the energy sources of the future.

Renewable energy projects are one type of climate solution, along with community-based projects and nature-based projects.

Let’s start with the basics: what is renewable energy?

Renewable energy is derived from clean, inexhaustible sources like the sun or the tides, which means they won’t run out. These types of energies have the potential to greatly reduce CO2 emissions compared to those generated from the burning of fossil fuels.

There are different ways that renewable energy can be produced, from common household methods like collecting solar energy to harvesting geothermal energy which is produced naturally below the earth’s surface. Learn more about different types of renewable energy here.

The three biggest benefits of using renewable energy in the future are:

  1. It’s sustainable: The first and most important benefit of using renewable energy is in the name: it’s renewable! While global fossil fuel deposits will run out in 40-60 years, the sun will keep shining, the wind will keep blowing, and the earth’s core will keep producing heat that we can harvest energy from.
  2. It’s clean: The burning of fossil fuels emits greenhouse gases and pollutants, a lead cause of global climate change. These types of emissions have also been linked to serious health issues for people around the world. Going green with renewable energy is good for us individually and good for the planet.
  3. It’s cost-effective: While renewable energy costs fall at a consistent rate, the general trend for fossil fuel prices is moving in the opposite direction, despite recent volatility. In the future, a greater demand for renewable energy will continue lowering prices.

There is an abundance of additional reasons to switch to renewable energy, and the time is now to put policies and guidelines into concrete action. The energy sector must make immediate improvements in sustainability offerings to meet rising renewable energy demands.

Continued innovation of renewable sources of energy is the key to protecting our planet from climate change, and that requires the participation of businesses in all sectors. Are you ready to support the highest quality, expert-verified renewable energy climate projects?

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